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Role Prompting

Role prompting is a technique where we assign a specific role to a LLM. We can do so by using the format

You are a {role}. You will be {description of task}. {Reiterate instructions}.

import openai
import instructor
from typing import Literal
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

client = instructor.from_openai(openai.OpenAI())

class Label(BaseModel):
    label: Literal["TECHNICAL", "PRODUCT", "BILLING"] = Field(
        description="A label that best desscribes the support ticket",

def classify(support_ticket_title: str):
                "role": "system",
                "content": f"You are a support agent at a tech company.\
                You will be assigned a support ticket to classify. \
                Make sure to only select the label that applies to \
                the support ticket.", # (1)!
                "role": "user",
                "content": f"Classify the following support ticket: {support_ticket_title}",

label_prediction = classify("My account is locked and I can't access my billing info")
print(label_prediction.label)  # BILLING

This is an example of Role Based Prompting

  • Role: You are a support agent at a tech company
  • Task : You will be assigned a support ticket to classify
  • Reminder: Make sure to only select the label that applies to the support ticket


1: RoleLLM: Benchmarking, Eliciting, and Enhancing Role-Playing Abilities of Large Lanuage Models
2: Is "A Helpful Assistant" the Best Role for Large Language Models? A Systematic Evaluation of Social Roles in System Prompts
3: Douglas C. Schmidt, Jesse Spencer-Smith, Quchen Fu, and Jules White. 2023. Cataloging prompt patterns to enhance the discipline of prompt engineering. Dept. of Computer Science, Vanderbilt University.
4: Unleashing the Emergent Cognitive Synergy in Large Lanuage Models: A Task-Solving Agent through Multi-Persona Self-Collaboration
5: Prompt Programming for Large Language Models: Beyond the Few-Shot Paradigm

*: The Prompt Resport: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Techniques